Perl Script File Locations

Common questions regarding the location of Perl Script files:

1. where my perl is located .. what I type into my opening programming line: /usr/bin/perl

2. the location of where my log files are kept:  /usr/local/apache/domlogs/ (no direct access to them - but you can download them using your cPanel interface)

3. my program (script) extension: *.pl or *.cgi

4. my CGI program directory location:  /cgi-bin

5. the syntax to my cgi directory:  domainname/cgi-bin
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What is the path to sendmail?

The path to send mail on all of our servers is set to /usr/sbin/sendmail.

What is the path to Perl?

The path to Perl, as listed inside the CPanel is /usr/bin/perl.

Why is it displaying "500 Internal Server Error"s?

The reason for a 500 Internal Server Error is usually because you have to change the permission...

Do your servers have cURL enabled?

Yes, all of our servers have cURL enabled. cURL is located here: /usr/bin/curl

Do your servers support Python?

Yes. It can be found at the following location: /usr/bin/python